Upright bass lessons are offered for beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. Students have the option of studying either classical, jazz, or bluegrass/rockabilly upright bass. Students will be exposed to literature suitable to the style of music they are studying.
Classical upright bass will cover standard orchestral and solo repertoire from all relevant time periods (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, 20th century), scales, correct left and right hand technique, ear training, music reading, performance practice, applied music theory, the history and contributions of major composers, and the history and development of the instrument itself.
Students studying jazz upright bass will study standard repertoire, scales, left hand and right hand technique, improvisation, styles, bass line and solo construction, jazz evolution and theory, influential jazz bassists and musicians, applied music theory and reading, performance practice, and the role of the bass in an ensemble setting.
Lessons in bluegrass/rockabilly bass will focus on scales, left hand and right hand technique, the role of the bass in a bluegrass/rockabilly setting, influential musicians within the genre, bass line construction, ear training, and music theory and reading.
What You Need To Get Started
Students studying classical upright bass will need an instrument, bow, rosin, tuner, metronome, and the required as recommended by the instructor.
All of these items may be purchased through the Music Academy STORE. Please see your instructor or the Music Academy Director for details.